
At Movile, mobile is ingrained in our business focused on making life better for billions of people through our apps. When we started, smartphones were virtually unknown. It’s amazing how now, mobile is the center of our worlds and will continue to be so for many years to come. Going mobile has freed us up, making it easier for all of us to balance work and family, to stay in touch with friends and loved ones, to access information and services when and where we need them, and to be connected even when travelling long distances.

While smartphones have become ubiquitous in our lives, and for many people the first thing we look at in the morning and the last thing we interact with at night, the future offers some interesting possibilities with our smartphones as well as other devices. Predictions for the future of technology still see mobile as integral, but not everything will be tied to our apps and phones. New technologies will expand and change dramatically how people communicate, entertain, and have access to products and services. We believe that this will bring opportunities of trillions of dollars in value to tech companies in the next 10 years.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) could become as big as a trend as the smartphone. At least that’s what Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg said at the F8, Facebook’s developer conference.

The big announcement at F8 had to do with the Camera Effects platform that allows developers to build augmented-reality apps from within the existing Facebook app’s camera. This can open the door to lots of applications and games.

Facebook is even betting on making hardware like Google, Snap, and Apple. Zuckerberg showed the concept of glasses that you wear and would project virtual objects onto walls, tables, and chairs. Clearly Facebook sees the threat from Snap and it’s glasses. Let’s hope it’s more successful than the Google glasses project.

Apple’s Tim Cook says that AR is about “improving our lives” and providing entertainment, rather than just providing the escape that virtual reality programs do. Augmented Reality software enables mobile tools to provide more context or vision; for example, providing a 3-D model of a proposed renovation to a room, or giving tourists deeper information about a site they are viewing. Of course, AR is used in gaming environments as well, enriching entertainment and skills development.

Blurring Lines: The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is another trend that gets a lot of buzz. Companies are intent on making household devices and cars connected and interactive. While smartphones have given us more independence and control when out of the house, more intelligent home-based “assistants” give us a convenient, central place to control the various devices in our lives, and connecting the machines we use for our daily lives is vital to making this happen. While in the past tech companies measured success by number of devices sold, the separation of devices from other things will become blurrier, requiring other measures of success. If, as one tech leader observes, we can snap one device into another, turning a mobile device into an extension of, say, an entertainment center, everything gets murky, calling for a different metric for understanding trends.

Mobile Logistics Using Drones

The use of drones is another area that promises changes in how we live our lives. Forecasters predict an increase in drone use for delivering orders to rural areas not served by other methods. This will require some logistical adjustments. Careful planning and the right platforms will be essential, as one logistics expert explains: “The technology is ready—what is lacking is the ability to make the rubber hit the road,” says supply chain executive Sian Hopwood. Companies need to make sure they are both technologically capable and flexible, she adds.

Drones, logistics,and the expansion of platforms also make it easier to help people in need. Last Mile Mobile Solutions is one example of how technology has crossed boundaries to get people essential supplies they need when faced with a disaster.

Better Experiences Through Artificial Intelligence

Personal assistants, the most familiar form of Artificial Intelligence (AI), are becoming more important on smartphones. Rather than adding more and more apps to their phones, consumers are looking for ways to be able to interact with their phones more intelligently to tell them what they need. Voice and facial recognition are just two examples of how AI promises to transform our future.

One observer predicts that by 2020, a full 40 percent of consumer interaction with smartphones will be through an AI bot. In addition to recognizing voice commands, AI promises to make it easier to communicate with people in other languages by providing on-demand translation, with other uses yet to be explored and developed.

Take ChatClub for example. The bot platform developed by Movile provides features that can help engage and monetize audiences on Facebook. With ChatClub, any brand, celebrity, or even a common Facebook user – who manages a fan page – may offer a variety of content, including dates of gigs and other events. They can also exhibit products, videos, songs, quizzes, chat between fans, songs, news and other features. Now we are investing a lot in supporting big companies to use bots to communicate better with their clients. No doubt that messengers and AI will change the way companies spread their news.

A Real Global Network

In order to be able to tap into the rich array of possibilities through our smartphones, easy accessibility to the internet will be key. As mobile users access programs that enable them to cross borders more easily through the use of travel and translation apps, for example, they will be expecting universal internet service, so they don’t have to worry about roaming and logging in and out of networks.

Only when the experience of accessibility is more seamless will we be in a truly mobile world.

Trillions of dollars

The smartphone era created billion dollars companies and opened new doors to improve people’s lives. We believe that so many new amazing innovations happening at the same time can create a wave many times bigger than the “mobile app” trend. At Movile we repeatedly say that the next 5  years will be much more challenging and exciting than the last 3 years, and we have to invest all our energy to reinvent ourselves everyday, listening the users and understanding how we bring value to their lives.

We are absolutely sure we are in front of a multi-trillion dollar opportunity. Let’s make it happen!



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